05 Mar, 2024

Sixteen years ago, we set out to redefine what we knew about laboratory design. These 16 years of innovation are not just a timeline, but a story that has shaped our identity and contributed to who we are today. From the beginning, our goal was more than designing laboratories; it was to understand the needs […]

New web, new chapter!

27 Feb, 2024

We present our new website, where 16 years of passion and leadership in laboratory design merge into a unique experience.

HibLab presents its new Corporate Video: Discover our essence

07 Jul, 2023

At HibLab we are celebrating 15 years of history with over 2,000 lab space projects developed. This corporate video is an evidence of that. Looking to the future, we are excited to continue to grow and evolve. Our commitment to quality and innovation continues to be at the core of our work. We look forward […]

This is how space is curved

26 Jun, 2022

To offer a product range of ‘curvilinear’ laboratory furniture incorporating improvements and multiple variations of combinations, materials and shapes.

Interior architecture design. 3D Render vs. Reality

12 Feb, 2022

HibLab, as a leading company in the design and integral development of laboratory spaces, has the capacity to integrate 3D technology in the visualisation of its projects.