HibLab innovatively designs and develops AdHoc solutions for fume cupboards that require special applications and processes in laboratory spaces.
The fume hoods designed by HibLab in accordance with the EN 14175 standard are used inside the laboratory space as safety extraction and individual protection devices.
On numerous occasions, the processes carried out inside laboratories require customized solutions for technical laboratory furniture, equipment, facilities, engineering or architecture.
HibLab focuses on the needs of very complex processes that are carried out in laboratory infrastructures of the pharmaceutical industry and other centers of excellence in research, to offer consulting/advisory work (labplanning) that becomes a distribution development of AdHoc spaces.
Special applications + AdHoc Solutions
“Showcases or fume hoods are protective materials against aggressive substances. “Its construction and development must take into account multiple safety regulations.”
The objective of these complex ventilation and air conditioning equipment is to protect the user from dangerous substances inside the extraction cabinet.
HibLab designs large personal protective equipment taking into account that, on the one hand, the equipment must be easily maintained and, on the other hand, it must produce the least impact on the environment.
‘At HibLab, we always maintain the seal of sustainability and quality in everything we do’
By applying our know-how we have managed to develop innovative solutions that range from fume cupboards of special dimensions, for special applications and integrated with the ventilation/air conditioning system.
Structural designs and interior coatings perfectly prepared for any special application that allow complete containment inside the display case and protect the user from splashes of dangerous substances.
HibLab is a pioneer in the development of AdHoc solutions for laboratory furniture and fume cupboards. We stand out not only for our innovative designs, but also for maintaining the seal of quality in everything we do. We seek continuous improvement of the laboratory spaces that we design and we focus on adapting the new distribution to meet and satisfy the needs of our clients.
These types of complex facilities represent a great innovation development challenge for HibLab, requiring exhaustive control and great flexibility to assist in safety inside and outside the laboratory space.